The New Boss
It’s been a while since my last update. I had a bone spur and a disc in my neck that was giving me a lot of trouble. Finally, I’m on the...

The Magic of Flight is a Web XR Experience that I wrote and hosted. It's now won the most prestigious Web XR Award "Experience of the...

Wright Again
Wilbur and Orville are unlikely heroes at a cursory glance: prickly with the press, selling their aircraft to foreign governments, and...

A Flipping Bad Idea
Or, how one wing nut can spoil a whole bunch of space movies. There’s a weird looking effect created by some spinning objects in...

Say When...
Let’s face it. Time is on nobody’s side. Primitive Homo sapiens showed up 300,000 years ago. Physically, we haven’t changed for about...

Spiraling Out of Control?
When I create a new set of planes for my show, it’s always part work and part wonder. The paper fibers break in an organized way, if my...

I Have a Theory
There’s the problem, right there! You have a notion about what I meant from the headline. You might believe I’m thinking about...
Tear it up?
A lot of grown-ups have a memory of tearing the back of their paper airplanes to create flaps that they would then adjust. So, I get...

Virtually Working
I realize that a lot of people are really hurting out there. Whole industries are going under. The education system is battered. Families...

The Shape of Planes to Come
There’s a turf war in my brain about what shape the next duration world record plane will be. Part of my brain believes that Takuo Toda...